9.2. Typing variables: declare or typeset

The declare or typeset builtins, which are exact synonyms, permit modifying the properties of variables. This is a very weak form of the typing [1] available in certain programming languages. The declare command is specific to version 2 or later of Bash. The typeset command also works in ksh scripts.

declare/typeset options

-r readonly

(declare -r var1 works the same as readonly var1)

This is the rough equivalent of the C const type qualifier. An attempt to change the value of a readonly variable fails with an error message.

   1 declare -r var1=1
   2 echo "var1 = $var1"   # var1 = 1
   4 (( var1++ ))          # x.sh: line 4: var1: readonly variable

-i integer

   1 declare -i number
   2 # The script will treat subsequent occurrences of "number" as an integer.		
   4 number=3
   5 echo "Number = $number"     # Number = 3
   7 number=three
   8 echo "Number = $number"     # Number = 0
   9 # Tries to evaluate the string "three" as an integer.

Certain arithmetic operations are permitted for declared integer variables without the need for expr or let.

   1 n=6/3
   2 echo "n = $n"       # n = 6/3
   4 declare -i n
   5 n=6/3
   6 echo "n = $n"       # n = 2

-a array

   1 declare -a indices

The variable indices will be treated as an array.

-f function(s)

   1 declare -f

A declare -f line with no arguments in a script causes a listing of all the functions previously defined in that script.

   1 declare -f function_name

A declare -f function_name in a script lists just the function named.

-x export

   1 declare -x var3

This declares a variable as available for exporting outside the environment of the script itself.

-x var=$value

   1 declare -x var3=373

The declare command permits assigning a value to a variable in the same statement as setting its properties.

Example 9-10. Using declare to type variables

   1 #!/bin/bash
   3 func1 ()
   4 {
   5   echo This is a function.
   6 }
   8 declare -f        # Lists the function above.
  10 echo
  12 declare -i var1   # var1 is an integer.
  13 var1=2367
  14 echo "var1 declared as $var1"
  15 var1=var1+1       # Integer declaration eliminates the need for 'let'.
  16 echo "var1 incremented by 1 is $var1."
  17 # Attempt to change variable declared as integer.
  18 echo "Attempting to change var1 to floating point value, 2367.1."
  19 var1=2367.1       # Results in error message, with no change to variable.
  20 echo "var1 is still $var1"
  22 echo
  24 declare -r var2=13.36         # 'declare' permits setting a variable property
  25                               #+ and simultaneously assigning it a value.
  26 echo "var2 declared as $var2" # Attempt to change readonly variable.
  27 var2=13.37                    # Generates error message, and exit from script.
  29 echo "var2 is still $var2"    # This line will not execute.
  31 exit 0                        # Script will not exit here.


Using the declare builtin restricts the scope of a variable.
   1 foo ()
   2 {
   3 FOO="bar"
   4 }
   6 bar ()
   7 {
   8 foo
   9 echo $FOO
  10 }
  12 bar   # Prints bar.

However . . .
   1 foo (){
   2 declare FOO="bar"
   3 }
   5 bar ()
   6 {
   7 foo
   8 echo $FOO
   9 }
  11 bar  # Prints nothing.
  14 # Thank you, Michael Iatrou, for pointing this out.

9.2.1. Another use for declare

The declare command can be helpful in identifying variables, environmental or otherwise. This can be especially useful with arrays.

 bash$ declare | grep HOME
 bash$ zzy=68
 bash$ declare | grep zzy
 bash$ Colors=([0]="purple" [1]="reddish-orange" [2]="light green")
 bash$ echo ${Colors[@]}
 purple reddish-orange light green
 bash$ declare | grep Colors
 Colors=([0]="purple" [1]="reddish-orange" [2]="light green")



In this context, typing a variable means to classify it and restrict its properties. For example, a variable declared or typed as an integer is no longer available for string operations.

   1 declare -i intvar
   3 intvar=23
   4 echo "$intvar"   # 23
   5 intvar=stringval
   6 echo "$intvar"   # 0