178 | fedora apache | Apache does need a 'followsymlinks' directive, and you may have to change an SELinux
save end reboot. |
177 | dvd player codecs | sudo apt-get install libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libdvd-pkg
sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg |
176 | ssh: connect to host giraldo port 22: Connection refused | # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
X11Forwarding yes |
175 | arch sudo | # vim /etc/sudoers
martinez ALL=(ALL) ALL |
174 | apache config nuc | Cambiado en php.ini:
173 | Increase Import Size Limit in phpMyAdmin | sudo nano /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini
memory_limit = 256M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
max_execution_time = 360
max_input_vars = 1500 |
172 | Enable root acces ssh and rsync | edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#PermitRootLogin without-password
PermitRootLogin yes
perform command
sudo service ssh restart
171 | share con smb | Despues de hacer sharing en el file manager hay que dar una clave smb:
sudo smbpasswd -a martinez |
170 | know_hosts en .ssh | Error key gen solución, Borrar la linea
ssh-keygen -R {server.name.com} |
169 | instalar ffmpeg video | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg |
168 | xsane group | Para que xsane funciones hay que agregar a los usuarios en el grupo scanner:
sudo usermod -a -G scanner martinez
167 | cortar videos con ffpeg | Ejemplo 1
ffmpeg -i Beso\ a\ beso\ me\ enamore\ de\ ti-LENB-PUUzmA.mp4 -ss 00:00:20 -strict -2 besoabeso.mp4
Ejemplo 2 (no probado)
ffmpeg -i movie.mp4 -ss 00:00:03 -t 00:00:08 -async 1 -strict -2 cut.mp4 |
163 | instalar ffmpeg | $ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:samrog131/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg-real
Next, to make FFmpeg 2.4.1 work, create the below symlink:
$ sudo ln -sf /opt/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg
Optional, to remove ffmpeg, do:
$ sudo apt-get remove ffmpeg
162 | Permisos en archivo compartido de Virtualbox | # adduser lhep vboxsf |
161 | Joomla Beez3 | cambiar ancho en template Beez3
Editar "/css/position.css" in template "beez3".
Cambiar max-width: 1050px; por max-width: 2000px;
Cambiar foto de cabecera en Beez3
- Editing file "/css/personal.css" in template "beez3-santaclara".
- copiar tejados5.jpg en /home/www-data/santaclara5/templates/beez3-santaclara/images/personal/
- cambiar background: url(../images/personal/personal2.png) no-repeat right
por background: url(../images/personal/tejados5.jpg) no-repeat left
Menu desplagable en Beez3
En "Module Manager: Module Menu" Advandced
poner Module Style: beezHide
160 | fstab Finding UUIDs | type:
sudo blkid
ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ |
159 | mint user list | edit /usr/share/mdm/themes/linuxmint/theme.xml and in tag insert:
item type"list" id="userlist"
158 | mint automatic login | edit /etc/mdm/mdm.conf part [daemon]
157 | IP configuration aderesse | Router:
DNS1 :
DNS2 :
Win Server:
156 | Hiistorisches Museum Ip | |