Table: cnotas, rows: 170

Página 5 de 9

Deprecated: strtolower(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/http/docs/santaclara5/libraries/src/HTML/Helpers/Grid.php on line 48

Deprecated: strtolower(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/http/docs/santaclara5/libraries/src/HTML/Helpers/Grid.php on line 48

Deprecated: strtolower(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/http/docs/santaclara5/libraries/src/HTML/Helpers/Grid.php on line 48
id titulo contenido
112Fedora play MP3ssu -

Configuring Package Installation available from rpmfusion:

rpm -Uvh

Using the GUI to Install/Update Software

yum install PackageKit

install the correct plugin for which MP3 player you want to use:

yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly
111Fedora install Flash in web browsersu -

Install the Adobe repository for yum:

rpm -Uvh

yum install flash-plugin nspluginwrapper.{i386,x86_64} pulseaudio-libs.i386 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i386 libcurl.i386

Configure your browser to see the plugin:

mozilla-plugin-config -i -g -v

110Partition > 2 TB# parted /dev/sdx

Creates a new GPT disklabel i.e. partition table:
mklabel gpt

Create 7 TB partition size:
mkpart primary 0 7001G

Quit and save the changes:


# mkfs.ext4 -F -L terabig -F -F /dev/sdb
109JOOMLA loadObjectListdatabase->loadObjectList

Returns an array of database objects using the current SQL query. Returns false if the query fails (prior to Joomla 1.1 returned null).

array loadObjectList ( [ string $key ] )

is the field name of a primary key. If $key is empty or null then loadObjectList will return a sequential list of the records returned by the database query. If $key is not empty or null then the array returned will be indexed by the value of the database key. This parameter is optional and if omitted will default to null (empty prior to Joomla 1.1).



function getCategories() {
global $database;

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM #__categories';
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$rows = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
echo "$row->title: $row->description\n";



might produce:

Latest: The latest news from the Joomla Team
Joomla: A selection of links that are all related to the Joomla project.
Contacts: Contact Details for this web site
108JOOMLA loadRowfunction getCategory( $title ) {
global $database;

$title = $database->Quote( $title );
$sql = "SELECT * FROM #__categories WHERE title=$title";
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$category = $database->loadRow();
print_r( $category );


getCategory( 'Latest' );

might produce:

[0] => 1
[1] => 0
[2] => Latest
[3] => Latest News
[4] => taking_notes.jpg
[5] => 1
[6] => left
[7] => The latest news from the Joomla Team
[8] => 1
[9] => 0
[10] => 2000-00-00 00:00:00
[11] =>
[12] => 0
[13] => 0
[14] => 1
[15] =>
107JOOMLA loadRowListReturns an array of database rows with numeric column indexing. Returns null if the query fails.

array loadRowList ( [ string $key ] )

is a field name. If $key is empty then loadRowList will return a sequential list of the database records returned by the current query. If $key is not empty then the array will be indexed by the value of the database key. This parameter is optional and if omitted will default to empty.


Example: This function prints an array containing records from the Joomla categories table. Note that in this example the array is indexed by the category title field.

function getCategories() {
global $database;

$sql = "SELECT * FROM #__categories";
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$categories = $database->loadRowList( 'title' );
print_r( $categories );



might produce:

[Latest] => Array
[0] => 1
[id] => 1
[1] => 0
[parent_id] => 0
[2] => Latest
[title] => Latest
[3] => Latest News
[name] => Latest News
[4] => taking_notes.jpg
[image] => taking_notes.jpg
[5] => 1
[section] => 1
[6] => left
[image_position] => left
[7] => The latest news from the Joomla Team
[description] => The latest news from the Joomla Team
[8] => 1
[published] => 1
[9] => 0
[checked_out] => 0
[10] => 2000-00-00 00:00:00
[checked_out_time] => 2000-00-00 00:00:00
[11] =>
[editor] =>
[12] => 0
[ordering] => 0
[13] => 0
[access] => 0
[14] => 1
[count] => 1
[15] =>
[params] =>

[Joomla] => Array
[0] => 66
[id] => 66
[1] => 0
[parent_id] => 0
[2] => Joomla
[title] => Joomla
[3] => Joomla
[name] => Joomla
[4] =>
[image] =>
[5] => com_newsfeeds
[section] => com_newsfeeds
[6] => left
[image_position] => left
[7] =>
[description] =>
[8] => 1
[published] => 1
[9] => 0
[checked_out] => 0
[10] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[11] =>
[editor] =>
[12] => 2
[ordering] => 2
[13] => 0
[access] => 0
[14] => 0
[count] => 0
[15] =>
[params] =>
106thunderbird command line$ thunderbird -compose attachment=file:///home/martinez/.Bestellung/output.pdf
99Gimp: Making Colors in a GIF Transparent1. Open your image in the gimp.
2. Right click the image and go to LAYERS then ADD ALPHA CHANNEL
3. Right click on the image again and go to SELECT and then down to BY COLOR
4. Now click on the color in the image you want to be transparent. These colors will now show up outlined.
5. Right click on the image again and go to EDIT and then down to CLEAR. This should now erase the outlined color you just picked from the image
6. Right click on the image and choose SAVE AS and make sure to save as a GIF file
92Hp Printers unter LINUX (hplip) Download hplip

mit root Rechte ausfueren:


Nach der ausfuehrung mit user Rechte folgende Command ausfuehren:

martinez@lheppc24:~/hplip$ hp-setup

91rsync windows
Firewall port 873 oeffnen

use chroot = false
strict modes = false
hosts allow =
log file = rsyncd.log
pid file =

# Module definitions
# Remember cygwin naming conventions : c:\work becomes /cygwin/c/work

path = /cygdrive/c/users/martinez/Documents
read only = true
transfer logging = yes

rsync command with modname luis
/usr/bin/rsync -arv root@lheppc72::luis /idisk/backups/lheppc72
90unregister DeltaCopy Server Service1. Stop the service if it is running in the background. This can be done either from DeltaCopy Server application or from Windows Control Panel.
2. Open a Console (DOS) window als administrator
3. Using the cd command, change the directory to location where DeltaCopy is installed:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Synametrics Technologies\DeltaCopy>
4. Type the following at the prompt:
89Vista aktivieren

in command window:

slmgr.vbs -skms

slmgr.vbs -ato
88imageviewer bug deleting(A) If the trash directory .Trash-1000 exists at the top level of the volume, move the image to .Trash-1000
(B) If the trash directory .Trash-1000 does not exist at the top level of the volume, try and create it.
(C) If the user does not have permission to create it, then fail.
87mp3 support
86php 64MByte memory limit# cd /etc/php5/apache2
# vim php.ini
85Bluetooth install thinkpad mouse sudo apt-get install gnome-vfs-obexftp

hcitool scan
sudo hidd --connect=YOUR_MAC_ADDRESS (00:02:76:11:3C:3A)

sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf

append to the end of the file:
name “Microsoft Mouse”;

save and restart bluetooth with:
sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart

or if you get a command not found error:
sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
84Printer Jean Luc Description: HP Color Laserjet CP2025
Location: JeanLuc
Printer Driver: HP Color LaserJet CP3505 Foomatic/hpijs, hpijs 2.8.2
Printer State: idle, accepting jobs, published.
Device URI: socket://
83Ram 4GB in Mainboard P5B
im BIOS "Memory Remapping" aktivieren,
82php convert special characters htmlspecialchars('string')
81thunderbird import from kmail
Make a new folder in kmail and name it inboxmbox. You'll see a dialogue in which you can save it as an mbox folder. Copy all posts in your kmail inbox folder to the new inboxmbox folder. Exit kmail. Next, copy or move inboxmbox to the subfolder Mail/Local Folders in your profile folder (~/.thunderbird/xxxxxxxx.default/). When you open Thunderbird you'll see the inboxmbox folder under Local Folders. Copy the messages into your Inbox folder if you like.